Yearbook Distribution
Contact Us
About Us
Our Sponsors
Yearbook Deadlines

Our most frequently asked questions are listed on this page

Q: Whose pictures go in the Generations Homeschool Yearbook?
A: ALL home educated students, Pre-K through 12th grade, in Pinellas county and surrounding areas that choose to be in it! It doesn't cost any money! It doesn't matter whether you are registered with the county, a private umbrella (600) school, dual enrolled in a public or private school or even a college. It also doesn't matter which support group, co-op, or other group you belong to (if any). We usually have several hundred
students pictured in our book and want to include more
every year.
Q: How do I get my student's individual picture in the yearbook?
A: There are picture days in different locations throughout the county for your convenience. Click on the "Picture Dates" navigation bar above to get dates and locations and choose the one most convenient for you! ALL students photographed on these dates WILL be in the yearbook regardless of purchase! NO purchase is necessary but optional picture packages from EventPro will be available at reasonable costs. *Note: there are special senior portraits for 12th grade students, please see picture dates page for more info.
Q: How do I purchase my child's school pictures that are taken on picture days?
A: After you approve the photo that is taken of your child you may order packages at that time. If you choose not to order pictures immediately,  your photos will be online for viewing and ordering for approximately 2 weeks. Photos are password protected for our yearbook families only.  All orders are optional and will be made individually. Photo packages will be mailed directly to you after you place your order.
Q: If school picture days are all missed, can my child still be in the yearbook on a class page?
A: YES! If you miss all of the pictures dates, you may email a digital photo, that may be taken with your own camera or taken by a pro (get permission). Please choose a neutral background.  Be sure to email student's name, current grade & phone #. It MUST reach us by January 31, 2010 to be placed on a class page.  please send pictures in on time!
Q: Is the yearbook part of the PPEA or any other organization?
A: NO! This is a common misconception because we run announcements through the PPEA newsletter and  at the meetings.  Generations Homeschool Yearbook is it's own organization and is NOT affiliated with any other group or organization. There are absolutely NO memberships of ANY KIND to be included in our book!
Q: What is a candid photo?
A: Candids are action-type photos of students with  friends and family taken during the school year. They may be of students doing any school, family, job, or church-related activity or any other daily activity. Candid Photos may be emailed to us or photo CDs mailed to us. 
Q: How does someone get his or her candid photo on an activity page?
A: There are a couple of ways...One is to be photographed by one of our staff members while you are at an activity; Another way is to send in any candids you or someone you know takes. These should be emailed or a CD mailed to our PO Box (listed below).  Include as much info with the photos as you can including your name & phone #. Please try to send in photos throughout the year as we will be continuously working on pages in the yearbook and will begin working on fall activity pages as early as late fall or early winter. The sooner your pictures arrive, the better chance of them being included in the yearbook!
Q. What are the yearbook deadlines and why are they so important?
A. The Deadlines are dates items need to reach the yearbook staff so they may be included in the Generations Yearbook. (These important dates are listed on our yearbook deadlines page) If deadlines are missed our staff will not be able to add photos to the yearbook so please get them in on time! We too have a deadline to get things done to send to the printers and therefore may not be able to make changes when items finally arrive.
Q: Why does the yearbook offer advertising space?
A: Yearbook printing and other production costs associated with making the Generations yearbook add up to about $50+ per book. Advertisements allow our staff to make enough to offset these costs. We pass the savings on to YOU and provide your yearbook at a low price, instead of the $50+ it would otherwise cost.
Q: If I have a business or service, how do I order ad space to support the yearbook?
A: Contact us at generationsyb@hotmail.com  or talk to one of our staff members or advisers in person. We will be glad to give you all of the information needed. All Ad prices are on the right side of this page also. The deadline for ads is January 31, 2010.
Q: If I don't have a business, can I still support the yearbook?
A: Yes, you may sponsor our book for any size donation or even pay to sponsor an entire page. You may also purchase a "Words of Wisdom",  "Recognition Ad" or a "Family Page". Prices for all of these are listed on our "About Us" page.
Q: What is a "words of wisdom" ad or a "recognition" ad?
A: A "Words of Wisdom" Ad is yearbook space purchased to write a special note of encouragement, support, love, thanks, advice, or congratulations to a student, parent, or special class  teacher. The cost of a "WOW" ad is only $10 for up to 50 words!
A " Recognition" ad is the same as a "WOW" ad but it also includes a small photo, that you provide, of the person you wish to recognize. These ads cost $20ea.
Q: What is a Family Page and how do I order one?
A: A Family page is a yearbook page a family may request for $100 each. YOU will be given a page to put together yourself with the pictures of your choice or a staff member will help you put it together! To order yours, you may contact any yearbook staff member (he/she will get credit toward his/her ad requirement) OR if you don't know a staff member, you may contact us~see the "contact us" page~ and we will put it toward a staff member that has not yet reached his/her requirement.
Q: What is a "Senior Page"?
A: A Senior Page is the same as a family page except it is strictly for a 12th grade student and his/her family. There is a discount for this page since it is a special year for the graduate. The senior page is only $50.
 A second page for the same senior is only $25.*
Q: If I order a book, when will I receive my Yearbook?
A: Yearbooks for each school year will arrive in August 
or September. These books will be distributed at the annual Yearbook Signing Party about a week after arrival and also at several other locations but for a limited time.
*Please see our Yearbook Distribution page.
Q: Why do we have to wait until fall for our yearbook when most schools receive their books in May or June?
A: Our staff feels it is important to include graduations in the yearbook and since graduations are in May, we cannot add the graduation pages until then. This gives us a later delivery date because our publisher takes about 2 months to print the books.
We know it's hard to wait for our yearbooks but our graduates & our staff all think it is worth it!
Q: How can someone join the Generations yearbook staff?
A If you will be in middle school or high school in the fall  and you are interested in being on the staff for the new school year, please contact us at GenerationsYB@hotmail.com now for an application. 
Q: What if I have a question that is not answered on this page?
A: You may check other pages on our web site for answers to your questions. If there are still questions you'd like to have answered, please contact us Generationsyb@hotmail.com

How may I order my Generations Yearbook?
Orders for  Yearbooks will be accepted August  through May of a school year. You may order yearbooks at many homeschooling events throughout the school year.  You may also request ordering information by writing to us at
the po box or emailing us. 
Yearbook Ads are available:
Business card ad...$25
1/4 page Ad...$75
1/2 page Ad...$150
Full Page Ad...$300
Family Pages & Senior Pages are available:
Family Page...$100/page
Senior Scrapbook Page...$50. 1page, 2nd page $25 more. 
Words of Wisdom and Recognition Ads :
Words of Wisdom...$10* (*up to 50 words)
Recognition Ads w/photo...$20* (*up to 50 words plus your own photo)

Here are some samples of  "candid" photos:




As you can see, candids can be of any activities in which a home-educated student or group of students participates. Please send them in often throughout the school year!
When emailing or sending a CD of your candid photos, please include what is happening in the photo, and your name and phone #. 
Mail photo CD's to us at
Generations Yearbook
PO Box 49313
St. Petersburg, FL
We appreciate your comments, write to us at generationsyb@hotmail.com  


February 1, 2016...SENIOR Formal, Casual, &
                                     Baby photos 
April 1, 2016...........Senior Scrapbook Pages &
                                  Family Pages
May 1, 2016.....Candid photos for activity pages
MAY 31, 2016........All yearbook orders placed and  paid in full.
Yearbook Orders may be mailed to:
Generations Yearbook * P.O. Box 49313 *
St. Petersburg, FL *  33743-9313